
Proof of Life

I have not been very active with stamp collecting lately, because I am caring for my elderly parents and trying to find a long-term solution for them.

Right now I am living with them and just don’t have the time to hack stamp pages. My stamp collection is back at my house and not with me.

Hopefully, I’ll be back to hacking pages soon. Ukraine 2023 has been a challenge. Still working on descriptions. A lot of the descriptions on the Ukrposhta website lean towards defeating “the enemy.” Even the Europa “Peace” stamp’s description talks about “Peace through victory.” I’m trying to come up with descriptions that don’t involve the war, unless the stamp directly pertain to the war.

But taking care of a 96-year-old man is my priority now and requires my full attention.

Thank you for your understanding.


Fun With Layers!

PDFs allow you to group things into layers. And if you use the right PDF reader, you can turn layers on and off. And layers that are turned off don’t print.

This leads to some interesting possibilities. You could turn off stamp images to save on toner/ink. You could turn off catalog numbers. You could include layers for different catalog companies. So, you could have a layer for MICHEL, and another layer for Stanley Gibbons, and just turn on the catalog of your choice.

I’m experimenting with this, and I created a PDF that has a separate layer for stamp images and catalog numbers. You just turn those layers off and print the pages out.

The following applications currently support turning layers on and off:

Mac/Windows: Adobe Reader, FoxIT PDF Reader

Mac/Linux: FoxIT PDF Reader, Evince

There may be more apps that support them, but these are the only ones I tried.

If you want to tinker with a layered PDF, here is a sample PDF I made for one of my Ukraine pages:!AtiQqOMmDyztgd8O0OkceKo_NT0Fdg?e=eKPVcp

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album 2022 Supplement Re-release

Michel finally released a catalog number for the November Self-stamp (A 2062). I updated the pages and replaced the existing 7-zip file with a new one with the same name. Grab the update from Google Drive.

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

A Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Experimental Redesign

This is something I am playing with now. Even if I choose to go this route, I will NEVER abandon the previous design. With PostmasterGS’ excellent tool for Scribus, it’s very easy for me to keep both designs going forever.

Here is what is in the new redesign:

  1. The pages are now the same size as the Scott National Album: 10×1½.
  2. The font is now Lexend across the entire album, using different weights and italics
  3. I moved the descriptions to the back of the previous page, so when the binder lays open, you see the stamps on the right and the descriptions on the left.
  4. There is no border

So, why did I make these changes?

  1. Scott size pages let you hold more stamps, and I really like Scott binders.
  2. I discovered the font Lexend a few weeks ago. It’s specifically designed to help you read better. Tests show people read as much as 20% faster using Lexend. It also helps people with reading disabilities, such as dyslexia. I find the font WAY EASIER to read. I’m using it everywhere now. Check out This website now uses Lexend.
  3. Moving the descriptions to the left helped me make a more balanced stamp layout. It will also allow me to make longer descriptions.
  4. I try to maximize the number of stamps on a page, and the border kept getting in the way on some pages. So, I just removed it. And I liked it.

Now, I know there is a huge barrier to entry here with the page sizes. You need to own a printer that can do 11×17 pages, which is pricey. But that’s’ why I said the old pages will never go away.

So, here is screenshot of what two facing pages look like:

And here is where you can grab this experimental PDF to check it out.

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

So, Andy. It’s now the end of March, where the **** are the 2023 Ukraine Pages?

Well, there are a few things going on here:

  1. I’m still waiting on MICHEL to assign catalog numbers to all of 2023.
  2. I’m a little distracted by other hobbies now. I’ve always been a fan of Role Playing Games (such as Dungeons and Dragons) and am currently obsessed with an RPG called Cyberpunk RED.
  3. I’m going in for carpel tunnel surgery on April 4th, so that will slow me down.
  4. To be honest, I’m not a fan of the 2023 Ukrainian stamps. A lot of stamps about the war (understandable). But there is far less to learn about the Ukrainian culture when so much of the 2023 output is about the War.

That being said, I sat down and worked on stamp descriptions over the last 2 days. The number of stamps issued in 2023 is far less than 2022. So, hopefully things will go faster.

I’m also tinkering with doing Scott size pages and using a new font. I definitely have ADD with my stamp pages. I’m always trying to tweak things and make them look better.

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

My 2023 Ukrainian Stamps Arrives Yesterday

Time to get busy writing stamp descriptions.


Scribus 1.6.1 Is Out!

The Scribus Development Team released Scribus 1.6.1. This is the first new. stable release in a LONG time ( the 1.5.x series were all development builds)

Best part for me is that Scribus 1.6.1 finally has an Apple Silicon build!

Community US Stamp Album Pages

Community US Stamp Album 2008 Supplement

Well, it’s been a while since I posted anything. There’s a work project that has actually kept me busy for the last 4 years. Plus, we had this pandemic happen. Both my kids graduated from college. My wife retired. Life is busier than that I thought it would be.

So, over the last month, I finished up the Community US Stamp Album 2008 Supplement. Thanks to my wife for proofreading everything and for putting up with the time suck that is stamp page design.

So, here is a screenshot of a sample page:

And, as always, you can download the file from my Google Drive, though that may change soon.

Please let me know if I screwed anything up royally.

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

MICHEL assigned a catalog number to the second 2022 Self Stamp

I sent MICHEL’s editor an email about the second self-stamp, along with scans that Ukrposhta provided me. They assigned it a catalog number and will publish it their next issue of their Rundschau magazine.

So, expect an update to the 2022 supplement soon.

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album 1994 Reissue

I just figured out that I messed up the definitive stamps. That’s the only page that has changed:

Files are on my Google Drive: