I originally did the Community US Stamp album supplement, because hacking Mystic past 2000 was looking to turn into a major undertaking. With the sheer volume of the se-tenants and miniature sheets that USPS produced in the 2000s and 2010s, it would have required hacking a LOT of pages, as many as 50% of pages per supplement. So, I thought it would be a lot easier to make my own pages.
But now I am looking at making 19 years of pages. That’s a whole lot of work to do, especially when trying to crank out a stamp album with page descriptions. The description are blatantly stolen from the US Postal Bulletin. But it is very time consuming to turn around and cut and paste descriptions from the US Postal Bulletin into a spreadsheet.
I get like 90% of what I need from the Scott Minuteman Album. It has descriptions for all commemorative stamps, and se-tenants are almost always displayed the way I intend to collect them. The only thing I don’t like is how thin the paper is.
But I think I can get past that.
If there is anyone besides me that thought that this album was a good idea, and is willing to dedicate some time into helping me cut and paste descriptions into an online spreadsheet, I’d be happy to continue the work. If no one is using the supplement, then I see no real point in continuing the make pages for this supplement.