Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album 1998 Supplement Reissue

Took a hard look at the 1998 Stamp Album Supplement and found some issues:

  1. Some of the stamp boxes were not the right size
  2. I completely missed 282C-285C, the Red Breasted Goose miniature sheet.

I have one cardinal rule when it comes to mounting stamps: never EVER break up a setenant or miniature sheet. The Red-Breasted Goose Miniature Sheet in longer than a US Letter piece of paper. So, there is no way to fit it in a piece of paper intact.

For this, and other stamp sheets larger than what can fit on a binder page, I purchased a 9×14 Itoya Art Portfolio and put those kinds of stamps in there. I then make a page with a full color scan of the stamp sheet, put it on the page, and make PDF form that has a blank box you can fill in where you are storing the sheet.

The sheet in this supplement looks like this:

The updated supplement is on Google Drive. I just overwrote the old file.

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