Community US Stamp Album Pages

The Community US Stamp Album 2002 Supplement is now available.

Ok, after way too much tweaking, and a last minute forgotten stamp I finally finished the Community 2002 US Stamp Album Supplement.

Some Notable Things:

Greetings from America Stamps

As you are probably aware, the USPS released the Greetings from America sheets in 2002, in both 34 cent and 37 cent varieties.  We have a whole fifty stamp sheet se-tenant.

One of my goals when making this album was to keep se-tenants together.  So, what I did was make a page with a high res color picture of the whole sheet along with the title, date of issue and description.  On the bottom of the page is a fillable form where you can type in where the stamps are.

So, others did not agree with what I wanted to do with the Greetings from America stamps.  To keep everyone happy, and to reach the largest audience possible, I made pages with 50 individual boxes, along with a master title and description, so you can mount the individual stamps.  I didn’t include the pictures on these pages.  If you want to edit the file yourself and add pictures, feel free to send me back your work and I will happily edit the original and repost with your additions.iu

File Size

Yes, the file size is pretty darn big.  That’s because of the high resolution scans of the Greetings from America stamps.

Catalog Numbers

You may notice the screen shots have Scott catalog numbers.  Well, as useful as they are, I am not legally allowed to distribute pages with Scott catalog numbers.  So, I had to hide them.  Check out a previous post on my site to learn how I did this.


First Page:



Greetings from America Page:



And now the files:

US Letter PDF: usa_2002-no_scott

ZIP file containing the editable Scribus file and images:  2002-US-Stamps

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