

So, it’s important to make sure you match fonts for the pages you’re hacking.  Mystic pages use the fonts Helvetica and Times.  Despite what people think, Arial is NOT a substitute for Helvetica and Times New Roman is not a substitute for Times.

If you don’t have access to either of these fonts and need something compatible, you can use the following two fonts:

For Helvetica, the font Nimbus Sans L is glyph compatible with Helvetica and the 4 standard styles (Normal, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic) and available under and open source license.

For Times, Nimbus Roman No 9 L is glyph compatible with Times and the 4 standard styles (Roman, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic) are also available under an open source license.

Two fonts to consider when you absolutely have to have Times or Helvetica.

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