Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

Some changes to the Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album

OK, I’m going to be making some changes to the Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album:

  1. There will ONE download per stamp album year.  It will be a zip file containing the US Letter PDF, A4 PDF, inksaver PDFs (no stamp images), and the scribus source and images for that year.
  2. Stamp pages will now contain MICHEL catalog numbers on them.  I have been granted a license to use these numbers by the publisher.
  3. Each supplement will include the required MICHEL disclaimer on a seperate page.  I recommend you print ONE copy of this and place it in the front of your album somewhere to remind you (and let anyone else know) what numbering system is being used on the pages.

I am slowly going to work my way back and add MICHEL numbers to the older supplements, but it is not going to be quick, or easy.  But everything going forward as of today will have MICHEL numbers in it.

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