Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album 2013 Supplement Re-release

I learned last week that the 2013 Ukrainian Stamp Album was missing stamps.  The Pectoral Miniature Sheet was available as an imperf sheet for the XIV National Philatelic Exhibition in Kyiv, Ukraine.  So, I decided to re-release the supplement with an additional page.

While I was at it, I added the MICHEL catalog numbers to the pages.  Having access to real catalog numbers on pages is a huge win for me.  And if you’re wondering why I chose MICHEL, here’s why:

  1. UKRPOSHTA used to use MICHEL numbers on their site before they came up with their own numbering system.
  2. Almost every Russian stamp I see listed has a Scott number listed with a MICHEL number, so there is a good bet that MICHEL numbers are used for Eastern European stamps.
  3. MICHEL, unlike Scott Publishing, granted me a license to use their catalog numbers.

I’m also making ONE file available with everything in it.  And it’s a .7z archive.  You will need to use 7-zip to open the file and decompress it.

Why did I choose 7-zip?  When I made the ZIP file, it was 78 MB.  The 7z file was only 47 MB.  That’s a pretty big difference in size!  Plus, 7-zip is completely free.

To learn more about 7-zip, click on the link in the top menu labeled “About 7-Zip.”

And here’s a screenshot of the page with the MICHEL catalog numbers:

sampleAnd here’s the .7z file with US-Letter PDF, A4 PDF and Scribus files:  Ukraine 2013

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