Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

Tryzub 1992 Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages Redesigned


Ok, the 1992 pages redesigned are here.  Attached pleased find a PDF of the pages and a 7z file containing the Scribus source and all the images.

In order to edit the Scribus file, you will need:

Ukraine-1992 PDF files


Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album redesign

I decided to go a bit fancier with my Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album.  I took 1992 and totally redesigned it.  I welcome feedback either here or on

A link to the 1992 PDF redesigns is here:

Mystic Heirloom Stamp Album

Mystic hacking winding down…

As I go through the Mystic pages from 2000 on, it looks like it’s going to be next to impossible to redesign all the pages I need for the 2000s, so I think I am going to end my hack of the Heirloom at 1999 and start using another album for 2000 onward.  Right now I am leaning toward the Scott Minuteman album, since it has the descriptions I am looking for.

Sadly, the Minuteman Album is very UNHACKABLE, since the pages are bigger than 8.5″x11″.  But the layout is almost exactly what I want.  So, there is almost no hacking that I need to do.

I’ll try and post some low res comparisons so you can see what I am talking about.

Mystic Heirloom Stamp Album

Mystic Page 667 Hack – Legends of Rock and Roll Booklet

And the last one for today.

Page 667 is the Legends of Rock and Roll booklet.  Mystic’s page 667 has it broken up into individual stamps.  I like my se-tenants connected.

The page will let you mount a full strip of eight stamps, even though that means Elvis repeats on the bottom.

Your Paper:

Mystic Paper:


Mystic Heirloom Stamp Album

3 Hacks in one day, all from 1991-92

I’m mounting 1991-1992 stamps and, for the life of me, I can’t figure out why Mystic feels the need to break up a perfectly good se-tenant.  So in order to get the stamps I had mounted I needed to go hack pages.  So, here we go:

Page 627 Hack – hacked to keep the Comedian se-tenant together.

Plain paper:
Mystic Paper:

Page 629 Hack – hacked to keep the Space Exploration 10 stamp se-tenant together

Plain paper:

Mystic Paper:

Page 649 Hack – hacked to keep the Summer Olympics se-tenant together

Plain paper:

Mystic Paper:



Mystic Heirloom Stamp Album

The Mystic Heirloom Page 1268 Hack

And we continue to clean up the Mystic 2011 Supplement.  Page 1268 modified to keep the Lady Liberty and US Flag together.

If you have Mystic Paper, grab it from here:

If you have your own paper, grab this file:

Mystic Heirloom Stamp Album

Keep them together! The Mysic Heirloom Page 1252 Hack!

And here comes another one.  Page 1252 takes the Se-tenant Lady Liberty/US Flag and separates them. I don’t believe in breaking up Se-tenants.  So, I hacked a page to get out of the problem.

If you’re using your own paper, grab the file here:

If you have blank Mystic paper, grab this one:



Mystic Heirloom Stamp Album

The Mystic 2011 Supplement Page 1186.6 hack

Page 1186.6 contains the 2011 Flags of Our Nations stamps.  And, Mystic wants you to split the stamps into individual stamps, which I didn’t want to do.  I prefer to mount them as two strips of 5.  So, here is the drop in replacement that will allow you to do that.

If you’re using your own paper, please go here:

If you’re using Mystic paper, go here:

Mystic Heirloom Stamp Album

The 2011 Supplement Page 1266a Hack

So, my personal collecting style involves keeping complete sheets of stamps that have selvege art AND text.  So, when Mystic didn’t have a page for the complete Merchant Marine sheet, I made my own.

If you’re using your own paper go here:

If you have Mystic blank pages, go here:


Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album Pages

Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album 1998 Supplement Available

So, I just finished the 1998 supplement for  Tryzub Ukrainian Stamp Album.  The only thing missing from the supplement is the duck souvenir sheet, since it’s bigger than a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper.  I leave it to you to figure out how to mount that sheet.

For the first time also, I am releasing the Scribus source files for a supplement, so you can hack it any way you want.

Scribus source files prior to 1998 will probably be released after I get everything done through 2011.  The first couple of years were pretty roughly hacked together when I was still learning how to use Scribus, and are really not easily editable.

The PDF of the 1998 Supplement can be found here.

A ZIP file containing the Scribus file and all the images can be found here.
